The Soulful Sales Society membership is currently closed. Click here to join the waitlist for the next opening. Or click here for my $7 Soulful Growth Club.


Want to sell & launch more of your offers in a way that totally honours who you are?

Then join the waitlist for the Soulful Sales Society’s next opening…

(Or click here for my $7 Soulful Growth Club instead)

join the waitlist

(& feel free to adjust the speed with the cog icon!)

Does this sound like you?

✨ You’re ready to call in more right-fit customers in a way that really suits you (without worrying what people might think).

✨ You’re done with forcing yourself into marketing strategies that just don’t feel like you

✨ You’ve had times where you’ve blamed yourself for your own “self-sabotaging” ways that get in the way of selling more 

✨ You’re tired of forcing yourself to get it “just right” or overdelivering and getting burnt out in an effort to convince yourself that you “deserve” this

✨ & you’ve probably had moments when you’ve wondered whether you’re good enough to make it all happen (no matter what level of success you’ve already created, or not)

Selling isn’t always easy as a thoughtful online business owner, who feels deeply and really cares about what your people might think.

You love the work you get to do, and you’re probably already selling your offers (it’s a business requirement, after all), but you know there’s got to be an easier way to sell and launch like you. What you really want is to…

call in more people than ever before to your offers without thinking you need to be different (because that’s not sustainable)

…trust in the huge, life-changing transformations you offer (& value them appropriately in your content and pricing)

…unapologetically show up & sell your way (without worrying you’ll “annoy” people or get negative feedback)

not go on an intense emotional rollercoaster each time you launch (& redefine what “launching” even means to you)

…trust that your sensitivities really gets to be your superpowers in how you sell (rather than things that “get in the way”)

You can have all of these things without changing the unique, brilliant and imperfect human that you are.

The best part? It gets to be easeful, profitable & FUN!

Hi, I’m Ruth. And I get messages all the time from people saying that they love watching me sell in a heart-led way, which I do daily now almost without thinking. But selling did not used to come easily to me!

In 2008 I started my first online business at the age of 21. And – as a sensitive, introverted human with strong values – I struggled for years to try and force myself to do marketing in a way that just wasn’t me. It was draining at best and totally icky at worst.

I just couldn’t do it the way I had been taught: Pushy, manipulative, super-productive, “always on”… yuck!

Things had to change in my business. I was tired, unfulfilled and my marketing felt inauthentic. It chipped away at my soul – I knew I had to start doing it my way.

Eventually I quit that first business and started again from scratch (with zero audience crossover), to build an engaged following and work with thousands of customers in the space of 4 years.

I credit that growth that to my authentic visibility & sales strategies. I am able to sell near daily without being “everywhere”, doing “all the things” or compromising myself.

I figured out sales – my way – and it worked. And I’ve now supported thousands of other business owners to do the same.

Here’s a snapshot of my email subscriber growth over the last 3-ish years, almost all organic….

My soulful sales & marketing efforts mean I have now served over 5000 clients & students across offers ranging from $9 – $10k

(with 663 paying clients across 1238 transactions last year alone)

Daily “Soft” Selling

I ask for the sale and I make sales almost daily, and I barely even think about it.

This is part practical – I know how I sell best, and have solid strategies to sell for me even when I’m not physically there.

Part mindset – totally trust I’m delivering massive value every time I sell something, I trust in my way, with self-belief work underlying it all.

Laidback Launching

As a sensitive human with chronic fatigue & mental health challenges, I don’t have the energy for full on launches, back-to-back.

Every now & again I stretch with a live event, but most of the time I rinse and repeat a sustainable launch strategy that doesn’t require me to be “on”, and it works!

(Often a launch takes as little as 2 hours!)

For online coaches and course creators who want to sell & launch more of your offers in a way that totally honours who you are.

Join the waitlist for the Soulful Sales Society’s next opening…

(Or click here for my $7 Soulful Growth Club instead)

join the waitlist




If I told you that you needed to sell every day for a month straight, does that bring up feelings?

Like “I don’t even know how I’d do that” or “that sounds so hard!” If so, that’s exactly why you need the “sell every day challenge”.

My members have shared with me again and again that the “sell every day” challenge transformed their experience of selling and the sales they were making in their business – all without loads of extra work.

We run regular “live” versions of the challenge, or you can start your personal challenge at any times for a chance to win prizes. How’s that for motivation?


☑️ Monthly “get it done” week challenges to help you take action on soulful selling (e.g. launching, soft selling, sales content, upsells etc)

☑️ Monthly sessions: q&a/coaching calls with Ruth, sales unblocker mindset sessions, monthly & quarterly debrief & planning sessions

☑️ Access to an optional Facebook group full of likeminded humans to share, get support & mastermind with your peers 

☑️ The chance to have me promote your free & paid offers on a regular basis to get more eyes on your work!

& everything is designed to help you actually use the content: live challenges, replays of every call, the chance to submit questions even if you can’t join live,  aren’t on Facebook or want to stay anonymous, plus a private podcast to catch up on the go

A note on timings: most of the membership is designed to be consumed whenever works for you! The live calls always have replays, plus I prioritise pre-submitted questions for the q&a sessions to support all time zones and schedules. Where calls are live, they usually happen Mondays-Wednesdays starting between 2-5pm UK (that’s 9am-12pm Eastern). You don’t need to be on Facebook for any live calls.

☑️ The Soulful Sales & Launching curriculum including:
  – Sales mindset & self-belief
  – Laidback launch course + full launch training
  – Sales booster & soft-selling strategies (for between launches)

☑️ The famous “sell every day” challenge, run regularly together in the group live or start your personal challenge any time to win prizes [next live challenge starts May 7]

☑️ Full resource vault of sales tools including launch planners, timelines, email examples, visualisations & more

☑️ Monthly “get it done” week challenge to help you take action on soulful selling (e.g. launching, soft selling, sales content, upsells etc)

☑️ Monthly sessions (all have replays):
  – Q&a/coaching calls with Ruth (you’ll be able to submit questions even if you can’t be there live/ aren’t on FB)
  – Sales unblocker mindset sessions
  – Monthly & quarterly debrief & planning sessions

☑️ Access to a Facebook group full of likeminded humans to share, get support & mastermind with your peers 

plus these incredible bonuses…

✓ Private podcast feed to make it easy to consume the trainings/ replays

✓ Discount on related courses & 1:1 Voxer coaching with Ruth

✓ Community promotion & collaboration opportunities

+ Extra Bonus: PLUS get access to the Soulful Growth Club FREE as an extra bonus (to help you grow your audience ready to sell).

…all for $49/ month

The membership will open again later in 2024.

(Or click here for my $7 Soulful Growth Club instead)

here's what past students & clients have said about working with me

I made the most money I ever have in my business with Ruth while also inviting in space to look after my health. I have trusted myself to make money from a place of confidence.”

Agnes Becker, We Are Stardust

“Lightbulb moment – I get to create sales processes that are totally suited to my ideal clients, while also looking after my own time and energy. I feel like I have a better relationship with selling now.”

Soulful Sales Summit Participant

“During my time working with Ruth I’ve found my focus, developed and launched stuff in a way that feels good to me and found some real momentum.”

Jo Hooper, Freedom Coach at Mad and Sad Club

“Ruth is all about helping you create a pathway to your desires and goals so it works for YOU… in a way that feels powerful and gentle at the same time.”

Past 1:1 Client

“Ruth has also been great in helping me get over myself in terms of asking for the sale. I am now much better at making that ask.”

Caroline Wood, Systems Expert for Introverted Business Owners

“[My biggest takeaway] is the idea that you can shape whatever sales and marketing works for you. It was good to find someone with core values that I respect and relate to

Laura Sorvala, Illustrator

“Your course transformed the ways I think about sales and marketing – from work that didn’t feel like me to thinking about ways of connecting, serving, and building relationships!”

Roanne, Art By Roanne

Everything has been transformed to prioritise joy, alignment, rest. I’ve fallen in love with my 1:1 programme, I’ve found joy in creating content, I trust my own needs/feelings/decisions more, I am going after my big dream, I am genuinely a happier human being.”

Isis Sturtewagen, Coach

I have been able to adjust my business to better fit my values and how I love to work. I’ve been able to successfully bring in new services, and hit new income levels in my business too.

During our time working together I had my biggest monthly income to date, got fully booked with 1:1 clients 3 months in advance, and had a £13k launch of my new programme that you played a big part in helping me to develop.”
Lucy Green, Business Coach & Development Consultant


Absolutely! The Soulful Sales Society is designed to help you launch and sell your offers in a way that aligns with your values and personality. The membership will provide you with the tools and skills you need to set you up in the best way for you, right from the start.

Yes! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, the program will provide you with resources, templates, planners, community, support, networking and mindset training to take your sales and business to the next level, whatever that looks like for you.

It depends. We aren’t going to cover the ins and outs of offer creation or the tech side of putting it together. This is about selling rather than creating the offer from scratch. Of course some of the offer stuff will be included (we have to be excited by our offers) but if you need hand-holding from scratch, this isn’t the thing to do that. It WILL help you get out there and promote your stuff though!

Yes. The community element of the membership is hosted on Facebook, so for those who don’t use it there will be a form in the member area to submit your questions for the monthly q&a, and all trainings will also be available to watch outside of Facebook.

Although you get access to the core Soulful Selling & Launching course materials, this is not your average course. This is a membership community not just with support but with added accountability and motivating challenges to help you get into the habit of selling more, regularly.

You will get your questions answered in the group within 48 hours on weekdays, plus there is monthly opportunity ask me questions in the q&a, plus bonuses live & pre-recorded sessions happening regularly.

Core trainings, q&a replays and bonus resources (including planners, templates, visualisations etc) will be available as long as you’re a member. 

I also have a smaller membership, the $7 Soulful Growth Club, which is always open and is about being visible & creating heart-led content to grow your audience. The Soulful Sales Society INCLUDES access to that too plus more detailed training on selling and launching, more mindset transformation and more support from me.

I have a huge vision to support as many business owners as possible this year (& beyond). I have offers ranging from $9-$10K, and this membership is my way of reaching as many people as possible. Because I believe in the world-changing power of thoughtful business owners selling what they do in an empowered way that feels like them.

You’ll get immediate access to the membership content listed above, plus I’m regularly updating and adding new content all the time.

No! The Soulful Sales Society is for any online course creator who wants to sell their offers in a way that aligns with their values and personality. Ruth works with business owners of all types, as long as you’re based mainly online, and you want to consistently sell more in alignment with who you are.

No! The program is beginner and budget-friendly. We focus on mindset, strategy, and community support, rather than complex tools or software.

The membership is usually closed. If it’s open when you’re seeing this, then I’d recommend joining now because it only opens a couple of time a year.

If the membership is currently closed, join the waitlist now and we’ll let you know when the membership opens again

It’s specifically created with online course creators in mind. That said, a large amount of the content is going to apply to selling in general and also the mindset of selling for different types of business owners.

I just looked at my list of ideas for the monthly challenges, for example, and they would apply to so many business models (these are just in the idea stage so not finalised but things like a challenge to sell every day, to run a flash sale, to stretch your comfort zone with how you sell).

Because this isn’t about forcing you into a model that wasn’t designed for you – this is about selling your way. Our program provides a unique approach to help you launch and sell your offers in a way that aligns with your values and personality. Many clients find that once they find what’s truly aligned, things start coming together in a way they never have before.

If you’re not quite sure the membership applies to your unique business, firstly feel free to send me a message using the chat box on the corner of the page. There is also a 7-day refund policy for all new members. If you sign up, take a look and realise the membership doesn’t quite fit your unique business, then you’ll receive a full refund as long as you let us know within 7 days.

Note: This refund policy does not cover a change of mind or change of circumstances. Click here for the full terms & conditions. Upon receiving your refund request, we will ask for feedback to understand why the membership didn’t meet your needs and/ or expectations, to help us improve in future.

Yes, of course! There is no minimum term, simply cancel before your billing date. We don’t make anyone jump through any hoops to cancel, it’s all clearly signposted from the member area. You’re also welcome to re-join in future, although doors will not always be open and the price may have gone up.

No problem! Shoot an email over to and we’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.

The membership will open again later in 2024 for $49/month

Be supported to sell & launch more of your offers in a way that totally honours who you are.

(Or click here for my $7 Soulful Growth Club instead)

© 2024 RLP Online Ltd