#76: Why Raising Rates is Good for Mental Health with Fiona Thomas

Today I’m chatting with Fiona Thomas all about why raising rates is good for our mental health. We touch on what happens when we undercharge, why we undercharge, how to feel confident enough to charge more, and all the wonderful reasons why you (probably) should charge more.

#74: Behind the Scenes Update on Best Ever Months, Being Supported & Upper Limit Problems

In this solo episode I’m sharing some behind the scenes updates, realisations, lessons and mindset shifts (& blocks!) that have been coming up for me over the last few months of some big business growth and shifts. A lot of what I talk about here is about running my business in line with what feels […]

Episode #71: The Truth About Quitting A Healthy 6-Figure Business

In today’s episode I take you behind the scenes of finally make the decision to quit my successful previous six-figure copywriting business. Whether you’re thinking of letting something go, or just taking a scary leap in your business, this episode takes you behind all of the (many!) feelings involved, and what the experience has taught […]

Episode #51: Behind the Scenes of My First Group Programme Launch

I’m going behind the scenes on my first group programme launch. I cover how I developed the programme structure, how I felt about it, how I showed up and sold it in a very different way, and why it all felt easy (even though it’s one of the most expensive things I’ve ever sold).

Episode #45: Big Leaps Can Happen When You Least Expect Them

Today’s episode is all about the importance of not limiting how quickly (or not) things are meant to happen in your business. It’s about understanding that small steps are important, but also knowing that big leaps can happen at any time.