What to Do When You Aren’t Fulfilled By Your Business

You see posts of online businesses everywhere gushing about how fulfilling their business is, how the work they do doesn’t feel like work, and how they are so lucky to be doing what they’re doing. But you don’t feel the same! What do you do when this happens? Here’s how I deal with it…

Why Being My Own Boss Isn’t Always the Greatest (and Some Things I Do to Help with That)

Since I started my online business in 2008 I have never once wanted to go back and work for anyone else. But that doesn’t mean that being my own boss is always easy, or even enjoyable, at all times. Here are some reasons why it sucks being my own boss!

How to Take a Vacation from Your Business (and Why You Should Do It Regularly!)

I’ve said it so many times, but one thing I love about being in business for myself is the freedom it gives me NOT to work. That said, it’s far too easy to find yourself chained to your computer. This is why I try to take regular holidays away from my business, and here’s how […]

The 15-Point Intentional Online Business Manifesto

I passionately believe in building an intentional online business that works around my life. But what does that mean to me? Here’s my online business manifesto. Hopefully, it helps give you the permission you need to create a business that works for you, too.